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Orionic Healing: Transforming Anxiety
By Janna Zarchin, LMFT and Christa Schorn LCSW


            Our thoughts are key factors in creating the kinds of experiences we have in our lives.  The kinds of thoughts we have and the images and feelings they create for us in our inner world result in the images and experiences we have in our outer world.  Many people who suffer from anxiety hold the belief that they are not safe.  They do not feel safe in their bodies, in their homes, in their relationships, in their world.  They feel out of control.  They are uncertain about their futures.  They do not feel protected. 


            Anxious thoughts repeat like a mantra of sorts, and create their own energy which results in fear.  Fear creates constriction in our lives.  We tend to do less, think less variety of thoughts, close our hearts, and shut down possibility.  Anxiety contracts one emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.  Anxiety results from being disconnected from oneself, and the peace that is Spirit on every level.  When the fear is addressed the contraction of spirit is addressed and the person can begin to relax and expand. This results in receipt of the resources of the greater Spirit, and the greater whole of the web of life. 


            In any healing, it is Spirit that does the healing, whether it's the person's own spirit, or the Spirit of the greater whole.  In the case of the person, their attitude, willingness, and ability to trust that there can be a different outcome is important.  Their own spirit can heal them if they can be open to new possibilities.  In the case of the greater Spirit, this aspect draws on the connection we all have to each other, and our ability as spiritual beings to draw on the resources of the Greater Whole (the Divine).


 We are co creator with the greater Spirit which allows us the authority to make the connection.  We can call on, and invoke Spirit directly through the use of intention, prayer and the creation of sacred space. Sacred space raises the vibration further by the sanctity of the environment, which is a "clean" place energetically. It is this sanctified space that we can relax and allow the healing to occur as the vibratory rate raises with the influx of peace.


            So it is with the Orionic Healing System:  The change factor is Spirit, operating through the person's higher Self. Orionic Healing is a technique which addresses the specific negative thoughts which create the anxiety but does so by connecting the client with their Higher Self and with the Spirit of the Greater Whole directly as it works on multiple levels simultaneously.                               


            Orionic Healing addresses specific thoughts that create the anxiety.  The process is calming in itself.  "It has been described as a "mini-vacation."  People come away with the relaxation and peace that they don't usually feel. What is calming allows their spirit to expand, and their life to begin to change. 


            As Orionic Healing was designed to lift and transform negative thoughts we have found it to be helpful for clients with anxiety.  Some case examples include one client who was afraid to travel far from her home without a "safe person" being with her, had constant panic attacks, and tended toward agoraphobia.  She had one Orionic session almost two years ago.  Since that session she has not had a panic attack, has learned she can now calm herself, and is able to travel far from her home without a safe person.  She has been able to travel over bridges, which was a concern for her as well.  She is grateful for the relief she has received and the ability to be able to function in such a different way in her daily life as a result of the session.


            Another client had anxiety about her body and her life, as a result of being a child of a diabetic who was always ill.  Her parent had body parts amputated, which the client had to attend to on many occasions.  As a grown up, she had a lot of anxious energy around anything to do with her body.   Two weeks after her initial session she went out and bought a bathing suit. This healing accorded her so much relief that she no longer had anxiety around her body.  After subsequent sessions dealing with other anxiety related thoughts she no longer reacted in such an anxious way.  This became very noticeable to her friends and family as well as to herself. 


            While Orionic Healing sessions often address issues connected with trauma, the sessions are not re-activating or re-traumatizing.  The client lies fully clothed on a massage table.  Lying under the sacred geometric Orionic Symbol begins the process of connecting with the Orionic Frequency. This brings the client into the session and opens their heart to welcome and receive the changes that are to come. The use of color and the sound on the body raises the vibration of the physical body.  The Sacred geometry in the system, matched with specific tones made vocally, increase the client's receptivity to the healing.  Symbols made over the body of the client also activate specific intentions the practitioner is holding, which contribute to changing the disruptive thought to a more harmonious one.


            Orionic Healing is synergistic in the use of its components.  The tools utilized are powerful on their own. They are more powerful energetically when combined, to produce a result that is greater than the sum of its parts.


            In working with clients, there are many ways to help them feel connected to Source.  Spiritual psychotherapists already use methods such as meditation, centering, breathwork, creating a Safe Place through visualization, EMDR and many others to help their clients connect inward. 


            Some individual components of the Orionic Healing System can be used separately with clients.  Spiritual therapists can help clients be aware of their Higher Self and learn to call on it using visualization. Once clients learn to call on this Self when needed, they can begin to feel a measure of control over their anxiety.  Another important factor used in Orionic Healing is Intention. As a therapist we can set treatment objectives with Spirit before the session, just as we do when treatment planning on the cognitive level.  We can also help our clients to do the same with their own goals.  As therapists, we seek to set a certain space for therapy work.  Setting sacred space takes this concept even further and can be easily integrated into a therapy setting.  It changes the therapy session into an invitation for Spirit to enter and take the healing to a more Divine level.  This can be done with the simple addition of a small altar of sorts containing a candle and one or two other special meaningful items.  The difference this makes is for the therapist, who holds a new kind of space in their intention and their energetic field.


            Therapists have the opportunity to learn how to integrate the components of the session by becoming trained practitioners of Orionic Healing.  In addition to learning it for use with clients, therapists can also benefit from being able to make profound changes in their own lives using this system.  This can include using this wonderful tool for going beyond what they think is possible in their own lives.


 Some topics that will be included in the training are:  how to connect with Spirit and invoke it; stepping into the role of co-creator; translating the intentions into healing; removing the obstructions in the therapists own energetic field; and enjoying the miracles that occur after the session!


            To find out more about the Orionic Healing System, please visit our website at  We offer monthly free introductions to Orionic Healing in Huntington, Long Island, and at times in NYC.  These sessions include a free group OH session.  A training class is currently being formed to start in the Fall of 2008.  If you are interested, please contact


About the Authors:

Janna Zarchin, LMFT, M.A. Marriage & Family Therapy, Hofstra University; Ordained Interfaith Minister; Play therapist; Member of ASP,ACEP, and AAMFT.  Her studies in psychology, many modalities of energy work, vibrational healing and spiritual techniques have resulted in the creation of Orionic F.A. Healing. She is the director of the Orionic Healing Training Institute.


Christa Schorn, LCSW, MSW. Stony Brook University School of Social Welfare. Member of ASP, ACEP; Certified practitioner of Orionic Frequency Adjusting Healing; Assistant Director, Orionic Healing Training Institute, and is co-author of the Orionic Healing Training Curriculum. 


Orionic Healing: Heal Your Thoughts, Heal Your Body
By Christa Schorn, LCSW

Modern medicine is finally catching-up with the beliefs that have been carried through the ages. In Chinese medicine, acupuncture, shamanism and energy healing, the body and the mind are intricately and intimately connected. There is an entire field of study dedicated to the interaction between mind and the immune system called "psychoneuroimmunology". Experts in this field such as Dr. Candace Pert have found direct links at a cellular level between emotions and the immune system and have discovered the way that our emotions either enhance or impede our immune system. Dr. Pert discovered "molecules of emotion" (called neuropeptides) that travel throughout our bloodstream, hooking onto receptors on cells in every corner of our body. Dr. Pert is adamant that we no longer should even speak of a mind-body connection but only of mind-body unity. She believes that the mind and body are totally inseparable.

On a daily level, many of us realize that our negative emotions (which are frequently a result of negative thinking) can hold us back and keep us from achieving our true potential in our work, in our relationships and even our health. How often do we make the connection between stress and our ability to withstand exposure to colds or flu? When we are stressed, we get sick. The opposite is also true: when we are feeling good and thinking positively, we are more productive, and tend toward more success in our life and we are better equipped to deal with whatever illness may come our way.

As a psychotherapist, I have helped many clients over the years look at their thoughts and resulting emotions. Although many of my clients have worked very hard in therapy and resolved some very deep issues, it was always frustrating to me that many of the most core negative thoughts and programming were so difficult and stubborn to dislodge. Then I discovered Orionic Healing. Orionic Healing has given me hope, or rather the confidence that these issues can be resolved forever.

Orionic Healing is a spiritually-based system that helps shift thoughts and patterns which are out of balance with one's true self. These thoughts can interfere with health, inner peace, happiness and harmony. This cutting-edge vibrational healing method was created by Janna Zarchin, LMFT. Ms. Zarchin developed this system out of her rich background which includes counseling, rebirthing, color/sound therapy, energy work and creating sacred space. Orionic Healing uniquely combines components from these methods to produce the deepest results that seem almost effortless to the client. As a result of an Orionic Healing session, many clients find that their negative thoughts "disappear" and their life feels better as a result of the subtle and often profound changes which follow.

In his book, Love Medicine and Miracles, Dr. Bernie Siegel says, "We can change the body by dealing with how we feel." This is the intention of Orionic Healing.

Free introductions to Orionic Healing take place at Om Strength and Serenity Healing Center on the first Wednesday of the month at 8:00 PM. Included in the introduction is a free group healing session ($120 value). All are welcome! 

Christa Schorn, LCSW, is a practicing psychotherapist in East Northport. She is an Orionic Healing Practitioner as well as the Assistant Director of the Orionic Healng Institute. She is trained in Reiki and EMDR as well.

For more information on Orionic Healing, upcoming events and the Orionic Healing Training program, go to our Calendar page at:

Works Cited
Gaynor, Mitchell L. M.D. (1999). Sounds of Healing. New York. Broadway Books.
Pert, Candace. (1997). Molecules of emotion. Sydney. Simon and Shuster.
Seigel, Bernie. (1988). Love, Medicine and Miracles. New York. Harper & Row Publishers.

Click here to see this article in the Om Strength and Serenity Newsletter.



By Christa Schorn, LCSW  

As a psychotherapist, I have searched for a method to give clients relief from their pain.  Although they worked hard and resolved important issues, it was always frustrating to me that their core negative thoughts were so difficult to dislodge.  Then I discovered Orionic Healing.  Now I have confidence that these issues can be resolved for good and in a manner that is gentle and easy.


Orionic Healing was created by Janna Zarchin, LMFT as a response to her frustration that despite her hard work, she did not feel relief from her symptoms.  Ms. Zarchin designed a program to produce the deepest results as quickly as possible.  Drawing upon her training as a psychotherapist, Rebirther, energy worker, her study of metaphysics, teachings of Louise Hay and a number of other special healers, Orionic Healing combines components of many methods into its own unique and powerful program.  Orionic Healing raises the vibrational frequency of the body through prayer, intention, color, sound and symbol.  It operates through the upper chakra system and calls on the client's Higher Self to facilitate the healing. 


Orionic Healing provides a deep and gentle method for removing negative thoughts so completely that the client often cannot remember that they were there to begin with.  The most common response to an Orionic Healing session is: "Oh, I don't have that thought anymore!"  A client in her mid-40's who had been unable to travel over bridges due to her anxiety had a single OH session eight months ago and has been able to travel over bridges and far from home ever since!


Orionic Healing has applications for any issue that can be traced back to a negative thought.  An issue which is often the target of an O.H. session is "I'm not good enough."  This thought is core to many self-esteem issues.  Other applications include anxiety (Thoughts include "I'm not safe."), depression (can't have what I want), relationship issues (don't deserve a partner), OCD, and others. 


Orionic Healing is not only useful for removing thoughts related to past issues, but is effective on thoughts which limit our ability to move forward, i.e. about money (can't earn enough money); weight loss (never be thin) and aging (getting old).  In our desire to attract abundance in our life, we must look at those thoughts which get in the way.  These blocks can be cleared by Orionic Healing so we can manifest our dreams!


Christa Schorn, LCSW, is a  psychotherapist in East Northport, NY.  She is trained in Reiki and EMDR as well as Orionic Healing.   Ms. Schorn can be reached at



 Published in The Energy Field (Spring 2007, Volume 8, Issue 1).  ACEP.



Orionic F.A. Healing Newsletter 
  click here to see  Volume I, Issue I, Spring 2007