Change your life in ways you never thought possible!

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     The Orionic Method™ (OM), is a systematic way of lifting limiting thoughts and negative patterns from cellular memory.  This negative programming, often recognized as subconscious in nature, can produce results in one's life that are less than desirable. Since The Orionic Method™ changes beliefs on the cellular level, one's life is changed for the better.  It is a cutting edge method for changing consciousness by utilizing the upper chakra system, and other tools that reorganize one's frequency and functioning.

      The Orionic Method™ was born of a synthesis of various forms of counseling and healing work.  It is a bridge between psychotherapy and energy work.  Its philosophical basis is rooted in Rebirthing (a breath work tool), which postulates that in order to have the deepest and most life changing healing, one needs to access and reprogram core thoughts that inhibit positive experiences in one's life.  Core thoughts support other limiting beliefs, and are programmed prenatally, at birth, and post-natally.

      Examples of these kinds of thoughts are: "I'm not good enough", "I don't deserve... ", "It's not safe to be here", and so on. Traumatic events also anchor thoughts in the body which are stored in cellular memory as well.

      The Orionic Method™ was developed over many years by Janna Zarchin, LMFT, with the help and support of Spirit, and many gifted healers and therapists.   Janna's search for a gentle, easy, yet powerful method to change her life resulted in the creation of The Orionic Method™.

      Janna is currently practicing The Orionic Method™ on Long Island and in the NY Metro area.  She is currently training new practitioners.